Rainbow and Sea 2021 – Tran Tuan Abstract

Rainbow and Sea 2021

Rainbow and Sea 2021

135 x 80 x 5 cm
Acrylic on Canvas.
The artwork was created from the feeling of the artist about beauty of rainbow and sea.

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Rainbow and Sea 2021
135 x 80 x 5 cm
Acrylic on Canvas.
The artwork was created from the feeling of the artist about beauty of rainbow and sea. Sometimes, after or before a rain, suddenly one or more rainbows appear above sky and sea. Nature creates a magical scene with sparkling colors in the sky and reflections on the sea. Those are wonderful moments create unforgettable visual impressions in the human soul.
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#abstractart #abstract #painting #acrylic

Thông tin bổ sung

Trọng lượng 22 kg
Kích thước 135 × 80 × 5 cm


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